Vibrant Evidence of Learning

Unrulr is a social learning app that makes holistic growth visible through authentic moments.

Create a New Community
We'll Show You Around
Flower Icon
Telling a story of growth?
Documented, evidence of learning brings a story to life.
Student Pointing Icon
Managing learner driven projects?
Learner-led documentation keeps you sane.
Giving Icon
Demonstrating impact?
Vivid documentation of that impact makes it real.
Community Icon
Building a community?
Vibrant documentation drives engagement
and feeds curiosity.
Unrulr App on Multiple Platforms
Documentation on easy
Documentation on easy mode
Leverage the good parts of social media
People are already trained to document their lives. Leverage those skills and capture key moments to produce evidence of learning.

Users tag each moment with the COGS (Concepts, Outcomes, Goals and Skills) relevant to your community.

COGS give posts purpose.
Image of phone with Unrulr app, showcasing image sharing, captioning, and COGS
COGS tie moments
to the bigger picture

COGS tie moments to the bigger picture

Unrulr Journey Laptop
Link key moments to create a living portfolio
A story is much more than just the ending.

Moments are the building blocks of every story of growth and change.

Craft a digital portfolio that showcases both process and final products.

Discover what Unrulr can do

‍Community is powerful
Inspire each other.
Celebrate hard work, learning, and achievements. Raise the bar and engage curiosity.
Build connection & culture.
Curb isolation. Give members of the community a platform to share their authentic voice.
Get everyone involved.
Crowdsource the capturing of moments, and give members agency in how they do it. Compose a holistic picture of your community through multiple perspectives.
Kas Perreira Portrait
Unrulr brought a sense of community and connection to the process, and it inspired everyone to do their best. The quality of work that we have seen from this group far exceeds any other cohort that we have worked with, and Unrulr had a big hand in that.
Kas Perreira
Krause Center for Innovation at Foothill College
Why Unrulr?
Hear it from educators and learners using Unrulr in their classrooms.
Practical documentation
is the foundation
Unrulr Mobile App
Leverage the good parts of social media
Our world is filled with people who already know how to document their lives.

Leverage those skills and capture key moments
Highlight what makes your community special
Tag each moment with the COGS (Concepts, Outcomes, Goals and Skills) relevant to your community.

COGS give posts purpose. And COGS build a categorized dataset.